Prof Xiaowei Zhao
Xiaowei Zhao is Professor of Control Engineering at the University of Warwick. He is an EPSRC Fellow and a co-director of the UK’s Supergen ORE (Offshore Renewable Energy) Hub. He obtained his PhD in Control Theory from the Control and Power Group of Imperial College London in 2010 and then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Control Engineering Group of the University of Oxford until 2013. After that he joined the University of Warwick where he was awarded a chair in 2018. At Warwick he has independently built a research group which is expanding to be 20 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. His main research areas are control theory with applications on control of offshore renewable energy systems and their grid integration, control of local smart energy systems, and control of solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicles. Currently he has seven renewable-energy and smart-grid research projects – five from EPSRC and two from H2020.